Notes on Online Registration

Welcome to, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ home for processing online event registrations. The registration forms are linked from each program page. Please note the following features of this registration system: You can register multiple officials from your county for each event. On the initial registration page, select the number of registrations via the quantity drop-down. If more than one event is open for registration at a given time (for example, you … Continue reading

Looking for an event not listed here?

If you are looking for an event not listed here, either the NCACC has not opened registration or registration is being handled by another entity, such as the UNC School of Government. Here is a general schedule of events for which the NCACC accepts registrations. Online registration opens about 2-3 months prior to each event. Visit for more details on general NCACC events. Legislative Goals Conference, held in November during even years Leading Your … Continue reading