Leading Your County Governing Board

  • Program agenda (PDF)
  • Advance online registration is closed. On-site registration is available; call or email in advance to check on seating (Matt Bigelow, matthew.bigelow@ncacc.org; 919-715-2893)

Each January, the Association hosts Leading Your County Governing Board: An Orientation for New Board Chairs. In this one-day training, NCACC staff and UNC School of Government faculty, along with current and former county officials, will lead discussion on:

  • the powers and duties of the board chair and vice chair, including setting the agenda, enforcing rules of procedure, and managing public comments;
  • the importance of setting a civil tone;
  • “governing in the real world” - lessons from veteran board chairs;
  • working with the media; and
  • the relationship between the board chair and the county manager.

This program will be offered Friday, Jan. 15, 2016, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Quorum Center in Raleigh. Parking is available in the Quorum Center parking deck (entrance off Harrington Street).

The fee to attend is $95. In addition to the instructional program, attendees receive lunch and two books:

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